Monday, 8 July 2013

{Train your brain much?}

 I found Lumosity when I 'googled' how to improve your memory. I wanted to better remember people's names, telephone numbers, and lists of grocery items etc.

I signed up (it's free) and every day (or however many times a week you like) you get memory games to play. It tracks your performance over these days and plots it on a small graph.

The games are short and there are only about 3 per day on the free version. The one on the left flashes patterns for you to remember- you then click a blank grid to match the pattern you saw. It starts small with a 3 by 3 grid and goes up each round.

In another game, you are a waitress/waitron and need to remember people's names and orders. You may play the same game the next week and you still need to remember their names for maximum points so it's training short and longer term memory.

Try it out here:

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