Wednesday, 3 July 2013

{Lacrosse like a boss}

We took our hockey sticks to South Korea when we taught English last year. We met up with some South Africans (Saffas as they call them) to jam and we were surprised how few Koreans knew what sport we were playing. Anyway - USA is not too big on field hockey so I might have to take up Lacrosse. It is actually a mixture of field hockey, ice-hockey and polo ;) Check out the basic rules for Lacrosse - they say learning new things is awesome for your brain so read on!

The Basics!
Women’s lacrosse teams use netted sticks to carry, throw, and shoot a ball along a
field in an effort to score goals. A goal counts as one point and is scored when the
ball completely crosses the opposing goal line between the posts and under the

What's Needed?
Lacrosse stick, solid rubber ball, team uniform with kilt or shorts, gloves, takkies or
cleats, mouth guard, and protective eye- wear. Goalkeepers wear extra padding.

How Long Is A Game?
Generally, a game is divided into two twenty-five minute halves, with a ten-minute
break at halftime. Each half begins at the center circle with a “draw” between two
opposing players. Team captains flip a coin to choose playing sides and teams switch
sides at halftime. If a game ends with the score even, it is a tie. Some leagues may
decide the result of a tie by playing overtime periods of sudden death; the team
scoring first wins.

Two teams of twelve players are on the field at one time. There are no set
boundaries or perimeter lines on the playing field, therefore, no offside violations can
occur. Players thus cover the entire length of the field. In most leagues,
unlimited substitutions are allowed during the course of a game.

So...I just need all the gear then hopefully I'll play Lacrosse like a boss ;)

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